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Finding Peace in the Spiritual Marketplace

By Dr. Wayne Dyer — 2005

I feel very connected to the Source from which I emanated—a source of endless perfect abundance. - Wayne Dyer

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Diamond Approach Inquiry: Discovering Inner Freedom

We can temporarily push our ego away or try to rearrange our personality to be happier, freer, or more realized. But ego comes back. And that’s where Diamond Approach inquiry comes in. We all have awareness and inquiry helps us harness awareness to dissolve ego instead of pushing it away.

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Emotion Coaching: Helping Kids Cope with Negative Feelings

Emotion coaching is the practice of talking with children about their feelings, and offering kids strategies for coping with emotionally difficult situations. The goal is to empathize, reassure, and teach. Does it make a difference? Yes.

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How We Create Our Spirituality and How It Creates Us

The mystery undergirding lived reality — why we die, why we suffer, why we love — is at the heart of acclaimed historian Elaine Pagels’ new book, “Why Religion?: A Personal Story.”

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Finding Your Soulpod

As my spiritual journey deepened, friends fell away. As I shed one identity after another, I no longer identified with the people attached to them.

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Our Sacred Demise and Radical Regeneration

Psychotherapist, professor, and author Carolyn Baker joins Terry for a sober, deep, and instructive conversation to consider our planetary predicament as a sacred rite of passage that necessitates a “collective descent into the darkness,” the possibility of our collective “sacred demise”,...

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What's the Use of Suffering

The biggest mistake we can make, according to the Buddha, is to discount or minimize our suffering. Why? Because it is the fiery gate through which we must pass to engage the spiritual path.

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Spiritual Growth and Loneliness

I’ve recently had conversation about loneliness and how it relates to spiritual growth. All our lives we are conditioned to seek external validation to give us our sense of self-worth.

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Who Hears This Sound?: Adyashanti on Waking Up from the Dream of “Me”

During our weekly meetings in the Sun office, editor Sy Safransky and I occasionally stray into philosophical territory. One day, knowing that I’d once studied meditation at a Buddhist monastery in Thailand, Sy handed me a couple of videos of talks by the spiritual teacher Adyashanti.

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The Way of Silence: An Interview with Adyashanti

When people allow themselves to connect with what their spiritual life is about for them—what their deep questions are, what their deep yearning is—then they have all the vitality they need

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A Conversation with Matt Kahn

Matt Kahn is a spiritual teacher and highly attuned empathic healer.

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Spiritual Life