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Self-Talk Your Way to Success

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By Kam Knight — 2018

This book introduces you to a powerful technique called self-talk, which in a short time can transform your attitudes, expectations, and beliefs to enrich your life. See more...

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Best Motivation from the Greatest Athletes of All Time (THE G.O.A.T.)

The Ultimate Motivational Video featuring advice from the greatest athletes of all time! A must see new Motivational Speech series from Motiversity, featuring speeches from Lebron James, Tom Brady, Tiger Woods, Conor McGregor, Michael Jordan, Ronaldo, Gretzky, and more!

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The Emotion Missing From the Workplace

Sadness is a central part of our lives, yet it’s typically ignored at work, hurting employees and managers alike.

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The Secret to Self-Development and Changing Your Life | Motivational Video

In this video I share with you the secret to self-development and changing your life. Self-development is the only path to accelerating your growth and actualizing your potential as a human being.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageSince in order to speak, one must first listen, learn to speak by listening.

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The Brain of an Entrepreneur

The aspects that make them most creative may also be their biggest risk.

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Solving Grand Challenges Through Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Naveen Jain at TEDxUNPlaza

Naveen Jain is an entrepreneur, philanthropist and technology pioneer.

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How to Prioritize Your Mental Health as an Entrepreneur | Forbes

What is the healthy balance between growing your brand and taking care of your mental health as an entrepreneur? Here are five ways entrepreneurs can have better mental health.

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Entrepreneurship & Mental Health: Expert Perspectives

What are the most common mental health problems that entrepreneurs suffer from — and what can startups and founders do? Mental health experts answer these crucial questions, and offer their ideas for how to prioritize mental wellness while also growing a business.

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The Mental Health Of Women Entrepreneurs: Challenges And Solutions

Adessa Barker, a well-being practitioner and the host of the popular podcast, Attitude Changes Everything, spoke about the mental health of women entrepreneurs. Barker shared her insights on some common misconceptions associated with mental health and solutions to improve mental well-being.

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Why So Many Entrepreneurs Struggle with Mental Illness

The causes for the Founder's Blues are easy to identify. Founders experience immense pressure when starting and attempting to build their own businesses.

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