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Nano: Technology of Mind Over Matter

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By Rav Berg — 2012

Rav Philip Berg brings together the concept from the Kabbalah that the more we reduce the physical space separating us from each other and the world, the more we can evolve with the technology trends of the last 50 years.

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The Path of a Kabbalist

This book traces the story of how Halevi, initially an artist and poet, became a writer about and a teacher of Kabbalah. Many of the illustrations are Halevi's, as well as the diagrams, which are a modern interpretation of the Tradition.

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The Essential Kabbalah: The Heart of Jewish Mysticism

A translation of the Kabbalah for the layperson includes a compact presentation of each primary text and features a practical analysis and vital historical information that offer insight into the various aspects of Jewish mysticism.

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The Encyclopedia of Jewish Myth, Magic and Mysticism: Second Edition

Jewish esotericism is the oldest and most influential continuous occult tradition in the West. Presenting lore that can spiritually enrich your life, this one-of-a-kind encyclopedia is devoted to the esoteric in Judaism―the miraculous and the mysterious. In this second edition, Rabbi Geoffrey W.

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God Is a Verb: Kabbalah and the Practice of Mystical Judaism

Since medieval times, the mystical tradition of Kabbalah was restricted to qualified men over forty—because it was believed that only the most mature and pious could grasp its complexity and profound, life-changing implications.

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Qabbalistic Magic: Talismans, Psalms, Amulets, and the Practice of High Ritual

A comprehensive guide to practicing the magic of the Qabbalah • Spells for everyday problems related to health, love, prosperity, and protection • Rituals for advanced high-level magic, such as invocation of angelic powers or spiritual vision • Explains how to make and design talismans,...

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The Book of Letters: A Mystical Hebrew Alphabet

In calligraphy by the author. Folktales about and exploration of the mystical meanings of the Hebrew Alphabet. Open the old prayerbook-like pages of The Book of Letters and you will enter a special world of sacred tradition and religious feeling.

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Jewish with Feeling: A Guide to Meaningful Jewish Practice

A how-to for Jewish spirituality that works. "A spiritual seeker is a person whose soul is awake. In this book I make no assumptions about how much you know about Judaism, what holidays you keep, or whether you believe in God. I want us to start from your soul's experience and carry on from there.

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Psychology and Kabbalah

In this book both kabbalistic and modern psychological models are used to describe the psyche and its place in the universe. The issue of consciousness is crucial in the process of development from the level of the ego to individuation and beyond.

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Kabbalah and Astrology: A Rewrite of the Anatomy of Fate

This study of astrology and Kabbalah explores the influence of the cosmos on individuals and nations.

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