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Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out

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By Timothy Leary — 1999

Written in the psychedelic era, Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out is Timothy Leary at his best, beckoning with humor and irreverence, a vision of individual empowerment, personal responsibility, and spiritual awakening.

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The Jeweled Path: The Biography of the Diamond Approach to Inner Realization

An intimate account of the development of a spiritual tradition and a biography of its creators—told by one of the Diamond Approach cofounders. The Jeweled Path invites you to enter into the story of how the modern spiritual path of the Diamond Approach emerged.

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The Dance of the Dissident Daughter: A Woman's Journey from Christian Tradition to the Sacred Feminine

In celebration of the twentieth anniversary of its publication, a newly reissued edition of the bestselling author’s classic work of feminine spiritual discovery, with a new introduction by the author. For years, Sue Monk Kidd was a conventionally religious woman.

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Awakening: Conversations with the Masters

With more than two million books sold and countless admirers throughout the world, Anthony de Mello is regarded as one of the most influential religious teachers of the past fifty years. Since his death in 1987, widespread recognition of his work’s enduring value has continued to grow.

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A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose

With his bestselling spiritual guide The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle inspired millions of readers to discover the freedom and joy of a life lived “in the now.

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7 Mindsets for Success, Happiness and Fulfilment

Thoughts and feelings that persist over time harden into an attitude. If you live with an attitude long enough, it becomes second nature—a mindset. The wrong mindset could lead you off the path of contentment, joy, enlightenment.

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7 Divine Laws to Awaken Your Best Self

Just as heat is inherent in fire, so is our desire to become better. Why is personal growth and life transformation so difficult? Does Creation wish that we fail? Of course not! The purpose behind the Universes grand design is to make us succeed.

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How to Wake Up: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide to Navigating Joy and Sorrow

Intimately and without jargon, How to Wake Up: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide to Navigating Joy and Sorrow describes the path to peace amid all of life’s ups and downs.

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Secrets of the Light: Lessons from Heaven

In Secrets of the Light, Dannion Brinkley, author of the acclaimed New York Times bestseller, Saved by the Light, offers an accessible spiritual guide for empowering your life based on his own experiences in the afterlife.

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Inner Divinity: Crafting Your Life with Sacred Intelligence

Inner divinity is the spirit you were born with. It underlies who you are today. By rediscovering your inner divinity, you hold the key to bringing balance, healing, and joy into your life.

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20 Things I Know for Sure: Principles for Cultivating a Peaceful Life

Simple Truths for a Peaceful Life A collection of contemplations on life, spirituality, and peace of mind from a much-loved self-help author. Cultivating a Path Toward Peace. When Karen Casey chose to commit to a spiritual path, her direction in life changed.

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Spiritual Awakening