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The Science of Homeopathy

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By George Vithoulkas — 1980

Outlines the system of treatment that attempts to cure by strengthening the body's resistance with the administration of minute doses of substances that ordinarily would cause the illness George Vithoulkas was born in Athens, Greece (1932). See more...

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Cannabis Pharmacy: The Practical Guide to Medical Marijuana

The most comprehensive and approachable book available on understanding and using medical marijuana.

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Healing Flowers A–Z

The book is organized for easy access, covering each flower in a standardized format, presented in alphabetical order.

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Botanicum Medicinale: A Modern Herbal of Medicinal Plants

A beautifully illustrated, informative, and engaging guide to 100 plants used for medicinal purposes. Remedies derived from plants are the world's oldest medicines.

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Discovering Homeopathy: Your Introduction to the Science and Art of Homeopathic Medicine (Second Revised Edition)

Dana Ullman, one of the leading advocates of homeopathic medicine, has produced a comprehensive, lucid introduction to this branch of complementary medicine, covering the history and the philosophy of homeopathy as well as scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness for a variety of conditions.

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The Consumer’s Guide to Homeopathy

A complete guide to homeopathic medicine details the principles of this powerful healing approach, explaining how to use trigger the body’s own self-healing abilities, discussing remedies, dosages, and a wide range of treatment options.

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The Homeopathic Revolution: Why Famous People and Cultural Heroes Choose Homeopathy

Focuses On Some Of The Most Famous And Respected People And Cultural Heroes Of The Last Two Centuries--literary Greats, Sports Stars, Scientists, Film And Tv Stars, Artists, And Politicians--and How They Have Chosen Homeopathy To Treat Themselves And/or Their Families

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Changing Our Minds: Psychedelic Sacraments and the New Psychotherapy

Changing Our Minds is an experiential tour through a social, spiritual and scientific revolution that is redefining our culture’s often-confusing relationship with psychoactive substances.

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Alchemy of Herbs: Transform Everyday Ingredients into Foods and Remedies That Heal

Did you know there's a powerful herbal medicine chest in your kitchen? Imagine being prepared for that next cold, scrape, headache, digestive issue, stressful day, or sleepless night with simple ingredients from your cupboard. Instead of pills, reach for: Cinnamon Tea to soothe your throat . . .

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Plant Magic: Herbalism in Real Life

A fun, modern, and irreverent introduction to healing herbs, this field guide to feeling good includes more than 20 plant profiles. Here is an invitation to the wild world of healing plants growing right outside your door.

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Green Witchcraft: A Practical Guide to Discovering the Magic of Plants, Herbs, Crystals, and Beyond

Connect to the earth and find peace and power with this guide to green witchcraft. Explore ways to put natural magic into practice no matter where you live or who you are.

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