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How To Quickly Diffuse Another Person's Anger

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Learn the powerful and effective Five Step Process to effectively de-escalate an angry confrontation

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My Cancer Journey—Hate & Anger

Here is video 4/5 talking about the emotion of Hate and Anger, two emotions that can lead you to a dark place. However I had to go through that darkness before I got to acceptance

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What Is Gaslighting? How to Avoid Mental Manipulation and Emotional Abuse with Terri Cole

What Is Gaslighting? How to Avoid Mental Manipulation and Emotional Abuse - Terri Cole If this video describes your situation, please don’t give up. The first step is to understand that it’s happening.

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Passive-Aggressive Behavior & Conflict

Passive-aggressive people: Could you be one of them? Passive-aggressive people don't get mad, they get even. When conflict triggers an emotional response, the passive-aggressive pattern is for revenge, by some form of sabotage.

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Stop Yelling! Here’s How to Use *Mindful* Communication for Conflict Resolution With Your Partner

There’s a gap between what you’re really thinking and what you’re saying. You’re distracted by all that’s going on inside and you’re uncertain about what to share and what’s better left unsaid.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageAnger is inevitable when our lives consist of giving in and going along; when we assume responsibility for other people’s feelings and reactions; when we relinquish our primary responsibility to proceed with our own growth and ensure the quality of our own lives; when we behave as if having a...

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FindCenter Quotes ImageFeeling angry signals a problem, venting anger does not solve it. Venting anger may serve to maintain, and even rigidify, the old rules and patterns in a relationship, thus ensuring that change does not occur.

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Everyday Diplomacy

Your idea of a great Sunday is to rise with the sun for a long run. Your partner, however, has other ideas. His notion of a proper Sunday involves sleeping late and enjoying a leisurely brunch over the Sunday paper.

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Conflict Resolution Skills for Healthy Relationships

Unresolved conflict can lead to resentment and additional unresolved conflict in the relationship. Even more important, ongoing conflict can actually have a negative impact on your health and longevity.

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“Withholders” vs. “Conceders”: A Damaging Conflict Pattern

Relationship dances between these two types can become very complicated.

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13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do: Take Back Your Power, Embrace Change, Face Your Fears, and Train Your Brain for Happiness and Success

Everyone knows that regular exercise and weight training lead to physical strength.

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