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Many of us have what we think of as “lucky numbers,” but is there anything more to this notion than fun and games? According to numerology, the answer is a resounding “yes.” In numerology, numbers represent more than just their mathematical values.
A modern reclaiming of the ancient Chinese I Ching. "Kwan Yin", the Chinese Goddess of Mercy & Knowledge, is evoked in this adaptation of the ancient divinatory system. This book returns the I Ching to women's use and is a simple-to-use tool of great power.
For thousands of years, pendulums have been used as effective tools for divination and empowerment. In Pendulums and the Light, best-selling author Diane Stein explains how to attain unrivaled pendulum accuracy by asking a Be-ing of the Highest Light to guide your pendulum.
Bestselling Wiccan author Lisa Chamberlain has created the perfect, concise guide for the novice witch who wants to learn how to cast key Wiccan spells.
Everything You Need to Know to Begin Working With Runes The enigmatic nature of the runes is undeniable. In fact, the English word “rune” comes to us from the Norse word runa, which means “a secret,” or “to whisper.
The I Ching, or Book of Changes, a common source for both Confucianist and Taoist philosophy, is one of the first efforts of the human mind to place itself within the universe. It has exerted a living influence in China for 3,000 years, and interest in it has been rapidly spreading in the West.
This is a new exploration of the Tarot, which reveals the esoteric numerological links underlying this ancient system and connects the teaching of the Tarot to the initiatic journey of the Soul.
This segment is about a very important card reading that everyone can easily learn to do and that is a vast importance to anyone’s personal process. It’s the three card cluster or the three card reading.
Internationally known author and clairvoyant Lilian Verner-Bonds helps budding witches and new practitioners of magic tap into their intuition—and empower themselves.
Numbers are an essential part of modern life—and if you understand the intricate science behind numerology, they give you powerful insights into your future.