SARK (born Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy) is an American bestselling author and artist specializing in inspiring messages and self-help for artists and creatives.
Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy, aka SARK, talks about how her most recent book SUCCULENT WILD LOVE and how the six habits it offers for feeling more love more often are helping her navigate her grief surrounding the death of her fiance and the book’s coauthor Dr. John Waddell.
The author of Succulent Wild Woman shows both men and women how to live more creative, fulfilling, and unique lives and stay true to their passions and individuality while maintaining financial and spiritual success.
As part of the 2018 Transformational Author Experience, host Christine Kloser provided a free Playbook with contributions by multiple authors including Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy, better known as SARK.
Do you know the secret to going after your creative dreams? Susan Kennedy describes creativity and how to develop your creativity—especially if you don’t think you are creative.
SARK invites the journal writer to compose his/her own creative companion through gentle instructions and playful directions toward artistic freedom. Your “inside child” will peek out to want, wish, find pleasure, and amaze you.
In an interview, SARK said she knows that art is healing “because of how it heals me and how I see it healing other people every day. Through art, we come alive through the deep connections to our souls and spirits.”
Sark’s first book, A CREATIVE COMPANION, has charmed all who come across it, so we were delighted when she came back to us with this collection of 43 ways to awaken your creative self—including “invite someone dangerous to tea,” “take lots of naps,” and “make friends with freedom and...
SARK’s whimsical, hand-printed, hand-painted books . . . are guides for adults (kids, too) who long to play and be creative, but have forgotten how.
We all need more naps! This book is a Portable Nap to take along anywhere you need it! “How lovely it is to rest and then do nothing afterwards” A Spanish proverb This book may cause you to feel more: sexy funny creative intriguing flexible deluxe
We all need reminders that it’s little things that make us feel really alive—those small actions and subtle gestures that can potentially lead to great moments of magic and joy.