
Adriene Mishler

Adriene Mishler is an American yoga teacher and entrepreneur who runs the YouTube channel Yoga with Adriene and founded the online platform Find What Feels Good to help people discover and embrace healthy practices that truly feel good to them on their healing and wellness journey.

Adriene Mishler
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Yoga with Adriene: Forgiveness Practice

Your Day 14 Yoga practice is a treat of self-care, stretching sore muscles, and Find What Feels Good. We begin today's practice with some self-massage and the art of noticing. Less is more. This practice continues to invite you to unite with the breath and use that as a tool for self-love.

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“It’s the Ultimate Commitment to Self Love”: How Adriene Mishler Put the Heart Back into Yoga

Most of us have tried some form of yoga over the years. But how many have turned that toe-dipping into a truly beneficial daily practice?

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Yoga for Post Traumatic Stress - Yoga with Adriene

This at-home yoga practice is created for you to be able to do on your own and designed with many types of people in mind. Ideally, the title will bring many people to the yoga mat and it will provide tools for healing, understanding, connection, and recovery.

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7 Min Meditation to Start Your Day | Yoga with Adriene

Use this 7 Min Meditation to set a positive intention for the course of your day. This all-levels mindful meditation is designed to help you gather yourself, connect to what feels good, and bring you a healthy focus for your day.

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Meditation for Anxiety - Yoga with Adriene

15 Minute Meditation For Anxiety guides you through a simple at home meditation to provide relief from anxiety, stress, and energetic imbalance. Find a comfortable seat, tune into your breath, and soften. Return to this practice regularly for preventative care. Great for beginners!

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A Breath of Authenticity: Chatting with Yoga with Adriene

Austin’s own yoga superstar, Adriene Mishler, reminds us the most important love is self-love. Judy Maggio made yogi tea and practiced poses with the YouTube yoga sensation who has 6 million followers all over the world.

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Grounding into Gratitude - Root Chakra Yoga - Yoga with Adriene

This yoga practice guides you through a series of poses to balance the root chakra and cultivate grounding with gratitude. When the root chakra, or Muladhara, is out of balance a person can feel anxious, uneasy, fearful, worried and stressed.

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Movement Medicine - Energy Practice - Yoga with Adriene

15 min Energy Practice is one of a two part series called Movement Medicine. It’s designed to help you cultivate strength and stamina.This type of practice invites you to use the power tools of breath, movement and discipline to get clear about what you want.

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6 Things Yoga with Adriene Always Does to Stay Happy, Healthy and Stress Free

A full rundown of her fitness, diet, and wind-down routines.

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Yoga Q&A + Personal Stuff + Puppy!

Yoga With Adriene VLOG (VIDEO BLOG) Q&A and puppy gets long awaited screen time! I'm checkin' in this week with some questions from YOU! Tips for setting intentions. How do you we keep the intentions we set? Tips for sticking with your practice and my take on how to stay on top of it. Namaste.

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Brendon Burchard