Below are the best resources we could find featuring amy scher about self healing.
It's so easy to get frustrated with ourselves and the healing process. But here's a new way to approach it that might just change everything for you. In this video, I share what your work IS and is NOT during the healing process.
It's not "just stress" or trauma that creates imbalance in the nervous system. The nervous system becomes triggered by certain patterns, beliefs, and reactions that you CAN change over time. That's what my work is all about.
Discover areas of imbalance you might not even know you have and easy ways to address them on your healing journey. With this book, you'll work through: unprocessed experiences, harmful beliefs, unhealthy emotional patterns, and fear.
Fatigue is such a big complaint I get! This video shows you how I use the tools in my book, How To Heal Yourself When No One Else Can, to clear energy blockages causing fatigue.
An internationally recognized energy therapist brings her accessible approach to helping anyone struggling with depression to reclaim a joyful life. When we’re depressed we do a bunch of things to help ourselves feel better.
The true story of a fiery young woman's heartwarming and hilarious journey that takes her from near-death in California to a trip around the world in search of her ultimate salvation.
Today we have one of my HOW TO HEAL YOURSELF online program students with us to share with us HOW she healed chronic migraines. Then, we do a live clearing to release that belief of "I can't heal" and clear your path forward
Live Energy Clearing Session and Q&A!
Many people feel drained when they are in the presence of others. The common phrases for this phenomenon is "energy vampires." But there are some really simple and quick things you can do to bounce back from this.
So follow along to learn what perfectionism is, why it's stressful, and how to clear it.