
Daniel Gilbert

Daniel T. Gilbert, PhD, is an American social psychologist, psychology professor, bestselling author, TV host, and public speaker. His research and work have encompassed the science of happiness and affective forecasting.

Daniel Gilbert
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The Surprising Science of Happiness | Daniel Gilbert

Daniel Gilbert, author of Stumbling on Happiness, challenges the idea that we'll be miserable if we don't get what we want. Our "psychological immune system" lets us feel truly happy even when things don't go as planned.

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A Wandering Mind Is an Unhappy One

New research underlines the wisdom of being absorbed in what you do

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Daniel Gilbert: Why We Make Bad Decisions

Dan Gilbert presents research and data from his exploration of happiness-sharing some surprising tests and experiments that you can also try on yourself. Watch through to the end for a sparkling Q&A with some familiar TED faces.

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Legendary Harvard Psychologist Dan Gilbert Outlines 8 Money Principles That Will Bring You the Most Happiness for Your Dollar

“If money doesn't make you happy, then you probably aren't spending it right.”

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Why Climate Change Threats Don’t Trigger an Immediate Response from Human Brains

It's very hard for the human brain to get very excited about things that aren't happening now.

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Here’s How Money Really Can Buy You Happiness

If you want to know how to use the money you have to become happier, you need to understand just what it is that brings you happiness in the first place.

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Buried by Bad Decisions

Our brains are hard-wired to make poor choices about harm prevention in today's world. But we can fight it.

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Experts in Emotion 19.2 -- Daniel Gilbert on Happiness

Experts in Emotion Series; Director: June Gruber, Yale University In this episode, you will learn about Happiness with Dr. Daniel Gilbert from Harvard University. Dr. Gilbert will share what first got him interested in this topic and highlight a few core themes in his research. Dr.

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Stumbling on Happiness

Bringing to life scientific research in psychology, cognitive neuroscience, philosophy, and behavioral economics, this bestselling book reveals what scientists have discovered about the uniquely human ability to imagine the future, and about our capacity to predict how much we will like it when we...

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What Is the Secret to Happiness and Money?

Buy more experiences and fewer objects. Don't worry about insurance. The frequency of happy events matters more than their intensity.

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