Diane Poole Heller, PhD, is an American author, speaker, and counselor. She is internationally renowned as an expert in the fields of trauma resolution and attachment theory.
From our earliest years, we develop an attachment style that follows us through life, replaying in our daily emotional landscape, our relationships, and how we feel about ourselves.
Trauma following automobile accidents can persist for weeks, months, or longer. Symptoms include nervousness, sleep disorders, loss of appetite, and sexual dysfunction.
Dr. Diane Poole Heller: Exploring the Human Journey: Attachment Styles and How they Sneak into our Adult Relationships. What are attachment styles, how do we get them and are they contagious?
This is a training summit geared toward professionals. We’ll go beyond ordinary interviews. Each speaker will present a body of knowledge from their passionate, in-depth research and explorations in healing trauma and attachment wounds.