Below are the best resources we could find featuring dondi dahlin about energy balancing.
This is your Wednesday Energy Minute with Dondi Dahlin from historic Fawnskin, California! The Earth has a North polarity and the bottom of our feet have a South polarity. These energies naturally connect which allow us to feel grounded.
The Little Book of Energy Medicine is a simple, easy-to-use “pocket guide” to one of the most powerful alternative health practices in existence today, from world-renowned healer Donna Eden.
This is your Wednesday Energy Minute with Dondi Dahlin from Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York! This variation of the Wayne Cook Posture is a wonderful exercise if you have decreased mobility, if you are in a wheel chair, or need a discreet energy technique while at work.
The sacrum is a triangle-shaped bone at the base of your spine. It is also called the "sacred" or "holy" bone by many cultures.
This is your Wednesday Energy Minute with Dondi Dahlin from the historic copper mining town of Jerome, Arizona! Disturbances in meridians correlate with ill-health. You can easily balance meridians by flushing them! Flushing Lung Meridian governs breath and energy.
This is your Wednesday Energy Minute with Dondi Dahlin from an alligator swamp in central, Florida! When you are feeling fear or long-standing phobias, the Fear Tap instantly changes the electrochemistry in your brain! Make sure to tap on both hands.
We have pathways of energy that run along the outside of our arms that feed energy into the large intestine, thyroid, adrenals, and small intestine. This simple exercise activates these energies! Do this a few times, with deep in-breaths on the swing, to help nourish your organs!
When you feel vulnerable to the wind blowing against your body and face, or if you feel a bit of a sore throat coming on - you can gently massage the points behind and at the bottom of both earlobes.
Connecting Heaven and Earth is a great exercise to do if you have pain or stiffness in your joints. This technique helps to open the joints in the body including the neck, the shoulders, the torso, and across the hips. Breathe deeply while stretching for maximum benefit!
We have energy pathways called meridians all over our body! When you trace these pathways with your hands, your own energy will follow the energy on your hands.