Below are the best resources we could find featuring jack kornfield about insight vipassana meditation.
In Seeking the Heart of Wisdom, Goldstein and Kornfield present the central teachings and practices of insight meditation in a clear and personal language.
Insight meditation is a path of discovery.
Spring Washam is a founder of the East Bay Meditation Center, the most diverse and accessible meditation center in the United States.
In this anthology, leading Western teachers of Buddhism share their personal experiences on the path of insight meditation; their understanding of the basic teachings of the Buddha; the lessons they've learned in their training with their own teachers; and some good advice on following the Buddha...
Have you ever thought about trying meditation, but didn't know how to get started? With Meditation for Beginners, trusted teacher Jack Kornfield shows you how simple it is to start - and stick with - a daily meditation practice.
Photo Credit: Gold Wong / Contributor / FilmMagic / Getty Images