Below are the best resources we could find featuring jacqui lewis about racial healing.
How do churches build immunity from racial and ethnic tensions that threaten to divide rather than unite congregations? Jacqui Lewis and John Janka believe that the answer lies in the development of multiracial, multicultural communities of faith.
When Reverend Doctor Jacqui Lewis was around 9 years old, she and her sister hid under their beds while guns were being shot off in their neighborhood following the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Rev. Jacqui Lewis joins Simran Jeet Singh on the fifth episode of “Becoming Less Racist: Lighting the Path to Anti-Racism.
Senior minister Rev. Jacqui Lewis, Ph.D. proclaims Middle's solidarity with our Asian congregants, friends and neighbors amid rising hate and violence. We are all beholden to one another—all responsible for keeping each other safe.
Join us for our fifth episode of "Becoming Less Racist," when Simran Jeet Singh interviews Rev. Jacqui Lewis of Middle Collegiate Church.
Photo Credit: Roy Rochlin / Stringer / Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images