James Baraz is an American mindfulness meditation teacher and speaker. He is the cofounding teacher of Spirit Rock Meditation Center and creator of the program Awakening Joy.
Awakening Joy is an internationally recognized Internet course created by noted teacher, author, and co-founder of Spirit Rock Meditation Center, James Baraz.
Awakening Joy is more than just another book about happiness. More than simply offering suggested strategies to change our behavior, it uses time-tested practices to train the mind to learn new ways of thinking.
If we open to the possibility that a major paradigm shift of awareness around climate change is possible, we can become part of the tipping point that can make a huge difference to humanity, all other life forms and a planet crying out for our loving care.
Mindfulness is simply being aware of what is happening right now without wishing it were different; enjoying the pleasant without holding on when it changes (which it will); being with the unpleasant without fearing it will always be this way (which it won’t).
“Joy is not for just the lucky few–it’s a choice anyone can make.” Awakening Joy is an internationally recognized Internet course created by noted teacher, author, and co-founder of Spirit Rock Meditation Center, James Baraz.
Spirit Rock founder, author, and teacher James Baraz’s Awakening Joy offers his large and devoted readership a program to gain contentment and happiness by cultivating the seeds of joy within.
Although it’s vital to not turn away from what needs attention it’s also important to reflect on what’s good in our lives.
I believe the secret to turning despair into rewarding action is feeling aligned with others and working together for a common cause.
For all their benefits to self and others, service and compassion can be challenging as a practice and a vocation. Here Norman Fischer provides some perspective to help us embrace our desire to help without being overwhelmed by its never ending nature.
These research-based practices can help kids (and adults) foster authentic happiness.
Photo Credit: Wikimedia user Schwede66 / Distributed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 International license.