Below are the best resources we could find featuring james martin about spiritual life.
Two giants of spirituality - Richard Rohr & James Martin - talk Pope Francis, Catholics on the margins, spirituality for the "two halves of life", and lots more. Recorded at the 2015 LA Religious Education Congress.
The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything by the Revered James Martin, SJ (bestselling author of Jesus: A Pilgrimage) is a practical spiritual guidebook that shows you how to manage relationships, money, work, prayer, and decision-making, all while keeping a sense of humor.
Overall, being spiritual and being religious are both part of being in relationship with God. Neither can be fully realized without the other. Religion without spirituality can become a dry list of dogmatic statements divorced from the life of the spirit. This is what Jesus warned against.
Photo Credit: PAUL FAITH / Contributor / AFP / Getty Images