
Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown is a Canadian author, filmmaker, and speaker focusing on spiritual growth. He is the founder of Soulshaping Institute, which he created to support others in their efforts to find their own path and purpose and to bridge the emotional and the spiritual life in a sustainable way.

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Grounded Spirituality

In Grounded Spirituality, the author lays down the tracks for an embodied way of being—one that leaves us "enrealed," integrated, and purposeful. Not awakened—but awakening. Not transcending our humanness—but finding meaning and spirituality within it, right in the heart of our imperfect daily lives.

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How Do You Pray?: Inspiring Responses from Religious Leaders, Spiritual Guides, Healers, Activists and Other Lovers of Humanity

How Do You Pray? was born from a vision in which Celeste Yacoboni was told to ask the world, “How Do You Pray?” She reached out to leading spiritual, shamanic, scientific teachers, guides, and activists and asked for their response.

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Finding Your Soulpod

As my spiritual journey deepened, friends fell away. As I shed one identity after another, I no longer identified with the people attached to them.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageOur thoughts are only illusions when they do not reflect who we really are, our emotions only wasteful when we are not seeing them all the way through to the spiritual lessons they contain.

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True Path vs False Path W/ Jeff Brown | Men, This Way Podcast

Are you living just to survive, or to fulfill your soul’s purpose? How do you navigate the need to pay the bills (or show up for your loved ones), AND the drive to live your soul’s calling today?

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Ascending with Both Feet on the Ground: Words to Awaken Your Heart

Exhilarating, compassionate, insightful, these truth-soundings will help you to excavate your purpose, befriend your confusion, confront your avoidance, ground your spirituality and open your heart.

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8 Suggestions to Minimize Dangers for Ayahuasca Journeyers

It is my view that ayahuasca is not for those trauma survivors who are so fragmented that they do not have a solid sense of self to return to. Without a strong energetic and egoic foundation, this plant can take you beyond the point of no return.

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FindCenter Quotes ImagePUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT! Due to the cumulative effect of collective sharing and loving intentionality, the Shame Train has derailed at the junction of Self-Belief and Divine Uniqueness. The engine couldn’t run on self-hatred any longer.

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Conversations with Jeff Brown (Andrew Harvey)

In this riveting conversation, Jeff and author/mystic/activist Andrew Harvey discuss the perils of patriarchal spirituality, the book 'Grounded Spirituality', the psychotic origins of the current crisis, the steps that we need to take to divinize humanity and save our species from its own trappings.

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Truth Mountain

In the early years of my Soulshaping journey, I had a constant desire to be "in the moment." I didn't quite know what that meant, but I knew that there was some connection between my capacity to be fully present for the moment and my ultimate spiritual expansion.

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Andrew Harvey