
Jeremy Narby

Jeremy Narby, PhD, is a Canadian anthropologist and author focusing on Indigenous shamans and their knowledge of plant medicines, especially their use of psychedelics. He lived with the Ashaninca people of the Peruvian Amazon for several years, cataloging their use of Amazonian plants and their traditional knowledge systems in order to help keep them from losing their homeland to development in the 1980s. He has spent three decades as the Amazonian projects director for the Swiss nonprofit organization Nouvelle Planète.

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Jeremy Narby - Intelligence in Nature - Bioneers Short Clips

Since 1990, Bioneers has acted as a fertile hub of social and scientific innovators with practical and visionary solutions for the world's most pressing environmental and social challenges.

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Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge

While undertaking anthropological fieldwork in the Pichis Valley of the Peruvian Amazon, Narby became intrigued by the local community’s claim that they received their phenomenal biochemical knowledge under the influence of hallucinogens.

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Helical Visions

In 1985, Swiss-Canadian anthropology student Jeremy Narby spent a year at Quirishari in the Peruvian Amazon, studying how the Ashaninca tribe made use of indigenous resources.

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Jeremy Narby - Why Are These Substances Illegal (Part One)

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Is Ayahuasca an Antidote to Modern Life?

In 1995 I published a book called The Cosmic Serpent that dealt with ayahuasca and other subjects. The enthusiasm of many readers took me by surprise. In the book I describe ayahuasca as foul-tasting and my experience drinking it as an ordeal involving vomiting and frightening visions of serpents.

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Jeremy Narby: Beyond the Anthropo-Scene - Bioneers 2017

The renowned “anthropologist under Amazonian influence” and indigenous rights activist Jeremy Narby, author of such classics as The Cosmic Serpent and Intelligence in Nature, considers the intelligence of living beings and wrestles with his own culture’s anthropocentric concepts.

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Jeremy Narby - More Interested in the Past and the Present Part 2

Jeremy Narby discusses the growing popularity of ayahuasca in the Western world, what that means for indigenous shamans, and how that can increase our collective connection with nature.

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The Psychotropic Mind: The World according to Ayahuasca, Iboga, and Shamanism

In the Amazon, shamans do not talk in terms of hallucinogens but of tools for communicating with other life-forms. Ayahuasca, for example, is first and foremost a means of breaking down the barrier that separates humans from other species, allowing us to communicate with them.

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The Cosmic Serpent: An Interview with Jeremy Narby

Narby’s discoveries form a fascinating account of the possibilities of myth, science and intelligence.

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Biospheric TV

Short piece of an interview with Jeremy Narby on the mystery of consciousness and biospheric television. NY April 12, 2008.

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Carlos Castaneda