Below are the best resources we could find featuring joan chittister about spiritual growth.
In this beautiful book best-selling author Joan Chittister and celebrated artist John August Swanson together reclaim the ancient story of Ruth as a model for contemporary women seeking a fully spiritual life.
What does it mean to live out a feminist spirituality in a world that glamorizes violence and legitimizes domination? Best-selling author Joan Chittister takes a very real look at what it means to have a feminist spirituality—a "heart of flesh"—in today's culture.
The spiritual life, in other words, is not achieved by denying one part of life for the sake of another. The spiritual life is achieved only by listening to all of life and learning to respond to each of its dimensions wholly and with integrity.
I began to trust the questions themselves to lead me beyond answers to understanding, beyond practice to faith.
Humble people walk comfortably in every group. No one is either too beneath them or too above them for their own sense of well-being. They are who they are, people with as much to give as to get, and they know it. And because they’re at ease with themselves, they can afford to be open with others.
Where will Christian feminists go for spiritual nourishment if the church itself fails to reflect the feminism of Jesus? If tradition becomes a reason for churches, for synagogues, for mosques to refuse to change in the light of new insights and understandings, on what grounds can we expect change...
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