
Joseph Campbell

Joseph Campbell, PhD, (1904–1987) was an American scholar and author focusing on comparative mythology, including the role myths play in the human experience. He is the author of many books, including The Hero with a Thousand Faces and The Power of Myth . The latter is the basis of his popular 1988 documentary interview series with journalist Bill Moyers.

Joseph Campbell
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Follow Your Bliss

From Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth with Bill Moyers, Episode 4, "Sacrifice and Bliss" - the mythologist and the journalist discuss the idea of bliss (Sanskrit - ananda), and how it can come to serve as a wellspring in one's life.

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Goddesses: Mysteries of the Feminine Divine

Joseph Campbell brought mythology to a mass audience. His bestselling books, including The Power of Myth and The Hero with a Thousand Faces, are the rare blockbusters that are also scholarly classics.

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What About the Heroine’s Journey?

The Harvard scholar Maria Tatar has made a career of studying fairy tales and folklore. Now she is taking aim at Joseph Campbell and showing us the women he left out of the story.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageWe’re so engaged in doing things to achieve purposes of outer value that we forget the inner value, the rapture that is associated with being alive, is what it is all about.

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Finding Joe

A truly inspirational film, Finding Joe explores the studies of famed mythologist Joseph Campbell. Take a journey through the human psyche and discover the pattern hidden in every story.

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The Hero's Journey of Self-Discovery

The cycle of the hero’s journey is a tale that is told over and over again, calling us to change by pushing us out of our comfort zone. These lessons are repeated over and over again, as one learns from their mistakes and improves upon life.

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Joseph Campbell: 70 Years of Making Connections

For almost 50 years Joseph Campbell has been writing major studies of mythology.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageThe agony of breaking through personal limitations is the agony of spiritual growth.

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The Man Behind the Myth: Should We Question the Hero’s Journey?

Campbell claimed his theory, which has gone on to influence everything from Star Wars to Disney’s Aladdin, arose from a universal structure inherent in the global myths of antiquity. The problem is, that’s a lie. Campbell’s theory is as mythological as the stories from which it borrows.

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Why ‘Following Your Bliss’ Won’t Help You Find Your True Purpose

It sounds like a nice idea, but once you understand what 'follow your bliss' really means, you'll see it's not all about the fun stuff.

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Carl Jung