
Martha Beck

Martha Beck, PhD, is an American author, life coach, sociologist, and inspirational speaker. After leaving the Mormon church, both she and her husband subsequently came out as gay. Beck has been a contributing editor and writer for several popular magazines including Redbook, Real Simple, and O, the Oprah Magazine, and is president of her own company, Martha Beck, Inc., which offers life coach training as well as products and live events related to life coaching.

Martha Beck
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How to Manage Stress

Best-selling author and life coach Martha Beck, Ph.D. shares advice on how to manage stress, including the importance of bringing awareness to your breath and the present moment.

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This Story Will Inspire You to Replace Jealousy with Generosity

Envy turns life into an endless competition that nobody wins.

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Martha Beck on Finding Your Life’s Purpose

Do you have a deep knowing that you are meant for something bigger in this world—a sense of a bigger purpose—but feel held back by the fear that you may be a fraud? Find out how Martha helps Becquel “soften” her critical voices long enough so she can start to receive love and move forward on her...

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FindCenter Quotes ImageThe truth can scare you half to death, but it’s never as destructive as deception.

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How to Find Your Passion

"I feel so stuck. I need to find a passion, but I just can't." About half of my clients say this as soon as we meet.

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Martha Beck on Finding Your Fire

Maggie remembers feeling the magic that once illuminated her life, but these days she can’t seem to find it again. With Martha’s coaching, Maggie learns how to get unstuck and find her fire again.

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10 Life Lessons You Should Unlearn

In the past 10 years, I've realized that our culture is rife with ideas that actually inhibit joy. Here are some of the things I'm most grateful to have unlearned:

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FindCenter Quotes ImageTry seeing your world and yourself this way, eyes open to whatever is before you, mind free of dichotomies. Are you good or bad, fragile or tough, wise or foolish? Yes. And so am I.

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Martha Beck on Harnessing Fear at the 2011 Pa Conference for Women

2011 Pennsylvania Conference for Women keynote Martha Beck has been called "one of the best-known life coaches in America" by Psychology Today, USA Today and NPR. Beck taught social science and business at undergraduate and graduate levels for Harvard. She has now become a full-time writer.

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Who's Never Going to Let You Down?

It's not that I'm blind to life's fragility or the dangers around me. It's just that I possess a gift offered by many mistake-filled years: At my age, I have a pretty good idea what and whom to trust.

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