
Mirabai Bush

Mirabai Bush is an American spiritual teacher and author. She is a former student of the Indian guru Neem Karoli Baba (also known as Maharaj ji) and a decades-long friend of Ram Dass, with whom she coauthored two books. She is a cofounder of the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society and a founding board member of the Seva Foundation.

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Mindfulness: Diverse Perspectives on Its Meaning, Origins and Applications

Mindfulness-based approaches to medicine, psychology, neuroscience, healthcare, education, business leadership, and other major societal institutions have become increasingly common.

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Walking Each Other Home: Conversations on Loving and Dying

We all sit on the edge of a mystery. We have only known this life, so dying scares us―and we are all dying.

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Compassion in Action: Setting Out on the Path of Service

This classic guide is for those ready to commit time and energy to relieving suffering in the world.

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Gps Guide: Mirabai Bush’s Mindful Response to Frustration and Impatience at Work

The stress and strain of constantly being connected can sometimes take your life—and your well-being—off course. GPS for the Soul can help you find your way back to balance.

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Mirabai Bush Speaks on Mindfulness and Its Application in Google

During a time when people across the world are struggling hard to manage work-related stress and balance professional and personal lives, Mirabai Bush has helped thousands to harmonize their lives and optimize their outputs through contemplation and mindfulness practices.

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A Conversation on Mindfulness, Bias and Racial Justice

It’s difficult to have a conversation about racism, privilege and fragility without things getting heated. In this Point of View Podcast, experts weigh in on the role mindfulness plays in understanding and navigating racial justice.

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Ram Dass and Mirabai Bush: Walking Each Other Home

Tami Simon interviews Ram Dass and Mirabai Bush, who have written a new beautiful book, called Walking Each Other Home: Conversations on Loving and Dying. It explores what it means to live and die consciously, remembering who we really are, and illuminating the path that we all walk together.

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Mirabai Bush and Ram Dass on Bringing Fear Close

As long as you think vulnerability is weakness, you’re going to be afraid. Mirabai Bush and Ram Dass on the kind of vulnerability that’s actually strength.

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Cultivating Loving Awareness Film, with Ram Dass, Sharon Salzberg, Krishna Das, and Mirabai Bush

This film and all other offerings on RamDass.org are only possible with the support of friends like you.

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Contemplative Practices in Higher Education: Powerful Methods to Transform Teaching and Learning

Contemplative pedagogy is a way for instructors to: empower students to integrate their own experience into the theoretical material they are being taught in order to deepen their understanding; help students to develop sophisticated problem-solving skills; support students’ sense of connection...

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Ram Dass