
Peter Senge

Peter Senge, PhD, is an American systems scientist, author, teacher, and prominent expert on organizational development and the idea of learning organizations. He is most known for his book The Fifth Discipline, which explores the tools and methods needed to build a learning organization. He is also the founder of the Society for Organizational Learning.

Peter Senge
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Peter Senge Introduction to Organzational Learning

Peter Senge shares his perspectives on leadership and systems thinking with IBM.

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The Triple Focus: A New Approach to Education

Daniel Goleman and Peter Senge provide educators with a rationale for incorporating three core skill sets in the classroom—understanding self, other, and the larger systems within which we operate—and show why these competencies are needed to help students navigate a fast-paced world of increasing...

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The Inner Path of Leadership

True leadership has relevance today for several reasons. It shifts the conversation beyond formal power hierarchies of “leaders” and “those led.” It redirects our attention toward how we collectively shape our destiny.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageScratch the surface of most cynics and you find a frustrated idealist — someone who made the mistake of converting his ideals into expectations.

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Sustainability: Not What You Think It Is

MIT Sloan’s Peter Senge, founder of the Society for Organizational Learning, shows how companies, right away, can stop adopting sustainability measures that do “less bad” and start doing “more good,” both for the business and the world around it.

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Rethinking Leadership in the Learning Organization

The basic assumption that only top management can cause significant change is deeply disempowering. Why, then, do we accept it so unquestioningly? Isn’t it odd that we should seek to bring about less authoritarian cultures by resorting to hierarchical authority?

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Presence: Human Purpose and the Field of the Future

Presence is an intimate look at the development of a new theory about change and learning. In wide-ranging conversations held over a year and a half, organizational learning pioneers Peter Senge, C.

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FindCenter Quotes ImagePeople don’t resist change. They resist being changed.

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The Need to Understand One Another

Events in one place can literally echo around the world in a matter of hours or even minutes. We are realizing that our lives are affected by many people who are different from us.

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Peter Senge: Systems Thinking

Peter Senge talks about how student can use systems thinking to understand and resolve conflicts. The comment he hears most? Senge made his remarks at the National Green Schools Conference in Virginia Beach, VA in 2015.

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Carl Jung