
Ram Dass on awareness

Below are the best resources we could find featuring ram dass about awareness.

Ram Dass
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Be Love Now: The Path of the Heart

Ram Dass’s long-awaited Be Love Now is the transformational teaching of a forty year journey to the heart.

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In the mid-sixties there seemed to be an expectation that if we got high, we’d be free. We were not quite realistic about the profundity of man’s attachments and deep clingings. We thought that if only we knew how to get high the right way, we wouldn’t come down.

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The Unified Theory of Ram Dass

Despite his age and the effects of a 1997 stroke, Ram Dass still dedicates the bulk of each day to teaching and serving his followers.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageWhat you meet in another being is the projection of your own level of evolution.

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Ram Dass: We Are Awareness

Shot at his home in Maui in 2005 (8 years after a stroke left him with a number of health issues), Ram Dass talks about how we first see ourselves as separate from each other but eventually we realize we're not separate. In fact, we're all the same awareness.

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Cultivating Loving Awareness Film, with Ram Dass, Sharon Salzberg, Krishna Das, and Mirabai Bush

This film and all other offerings on RamDass.org are only possible with the support of friends like you.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageThe most important aspect of love is not in giving or the receiving: it’s in the being. When I need love from others, or need to give love to others, I’m caught in an unstable situation. Being in love, rather than giving or taking love, is the only thing that provides stability.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageSuffering is part of our training program for becoming wise.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageWe’re fascinated by the words—but where we meet is in the silence behind them.

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Jack Kornfield