
Ted DesMaisons on mindfulness practices

Below are the best resources we could find featuring ted desmaisons about mindfulness practices.

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Playful Mindfulness with Ted DesMaisons

Ted DesMaisons has been synthesizing diverse approaches to teaching, learning, creativity and collaboration for over 30 years. He trained to teach Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction with Jon Kabat-Zinn and others at the UMass Center for Mindfulness.

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Monster Baby #83 Find Your Focus

Spurred by a suggestion from a Chicago-based listener, Ted and Lisa gallop into a fun conversation about focus. They start with a rousing round of the new game “D’jever?” (1:54) before Ted kicks off the conversation by mentioning the simultaneous different focus tracks in his brain (6:32).

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Monster Baby #78 Extroversion Introversion

Are you an extrovert or an introvert? Are you sure? In their continued adjustment to living with the reality of a world-sweeping pandemic, Ted and Lisa turn their attention to one of their most noticeable differences.

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