Animal Welfare

Animal welfare refers to the human responsibility for ensuring or maintaining the health and well-being of nonhuman animals in all contexts, including environments such as homes, sanctuaries, or zoos; wild or natural habitats; and animal agriculture and aquaculture. Some who have a large heart for animal welfare focus on small, local issues, while others focus on the larger-scale interferences humans have on the animal populations around us. Whether caring for an animal in our own home or lobbying for political action, all efforts to protect animal welfare are worthwhile in keeping us connected to and responsible for the impact we have on the natural world around us.

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The Role of Scientists in the Debate About Animal Welfare

Scientists tend to stay away from political and ethical debates – but more and more political and ethical questions depend on scientific knowledge. In this video, produced for Compassion in World Farming, Prof.

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Animals Make Us Human: Creating the Best Life for Animals

Drawing on the latest research and her own work, animal scientist and author Temple Grandin identifies the core emotional needs of animals. Then she explains how to fulfill them, and teaches us to challenge our assumptions about animal contentment and honor our bond with our fellow creatures.

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Coronavirus: Putting the Spotlight on the Global Wildlife Trade

Conservation experts say the coronavirus pandemic, which likely originated at a market selling wild animals in China, is a watershed moment for curbing the global wildlife trade, which can drive extinction and spread disease.

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FindCenterOne day the absurdity of the almost universal human belief in the slavery of other animals will be palpable. We shall then have discovered our souls and become worthier of sharing this planet with them.

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Animal Welfare and the Future of Zoos | Ron Kagan | TEDxOaklandUniversity

Detroit Zoological Society Executive Director Ron Kagan will share a view of the future that includes a different relationship between human and non-human animals.

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Animal Liberation: The Definitive Classic of the Animal Movement

Originally published in 1975, this groundbreaking work by philosopher Peter Singer exposes the chilling realities of factory farms and product-testing procedures, destroying the spurious justifications behind them, and offering alternatives to what has become a profound environmental and social as...

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Animal Welfare: Why Incremental Improvements for Animals Are Necessary

Animal welfare is a concept which is embedded in the idea that humans can, and should, use animals.

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FindCenterThe animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for white, or women created for men.

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Melanie Joy, PhD Demo—Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows

Dr. Melanie Joy explains "Carnism," the psychological phenomenon behind why we eat certain meat and reject others.

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Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: An Introduction to Carnism

Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows offers an absorbing look at what social psychologist Melanie Joy calls carnism, the belief system that conditions us to eat certain animals when we would never dream of eating others.

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