
An aura is the electromagnetic field of energy that surrounds each living thing. The concept of the aura is present in many forms of energy and spiritual healing, and it is usually considered to be an external projection of the one’s internal energy; the colors, shape, and vibrations of which can be viewed and interpreted to better understand one’s personality, energy, and well-being.

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How to See an Aura: Learn to See the Human Aura in 5 Minutes

Did you know that everything has an aura? In this video, you'll learn to see the human aura for yourself.

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The Healing Power of Your Aura: How to Use Spiritual Energy for Physical Health and Well-Being

In The Healing Power of Your Aura, internationally acclaimed aura expert Barbara Y. Martin explores the fascinating world of the aura and health.

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The Auric Field

The seven bands of the auric field can be divided into two planes; the physical and the spiritual. The different layers are sometimes referred to as harmonics because of the colors they emit. Each layer of the auric field is a body just as real and alive as the physical body.

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Barbara Brennan Interview with Portland Helmich

Barbara Brennan sits down with Portland Helmich back in 1998 for a very informative and educational interview.

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Change Your Aura, Change Your Life: A Step-by-Step Guide to Unfolding Your Spiritual Power (Revised Edition)

Discover your source of unlimited spiritual energy! Everything you think, feel, and do radiates a spiritual energy that comes through in various colors and hues: This is your aura. The aura is your spiritual blueprint.

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What Your Aura Color Means and Reveals About Your Personality

A person's aura color, also known as their "life color" shows their personality, relationship, and career tendencies. Of those two aura colors, everyone has a primary and secondary one.

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The Zenned Out Guide to Understanding Auras: Your Handbook to Seeing, Reading, and Protecting Your Aura

Auras are constantly changing. Everything can affect your aura: your mood, your health, the food you eat, your environment, and the energy of other people.

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What Each Aura Color Means, and Says About Your Personality, According to an Astrologist

Once you can see auras, you may be able to understand yourself and others better. You may even learn if your aura is compatible with other people’s.

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Strengthening Your Auric Field Through Yogic Methods

In this brief talk, we'll chat about the Auric Field as the subtle energetic body and how it acts as a marker to your overall health and well-being. We'll chat about improving the function of the auric field through self-care practices rooted in Yoga, Jyotisha and Ayurveda.

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What Color Is Your Aura? Personality Spectrums for Understanding and Growth

Auras are the colored bands of light that surround everyone's body. What Color Is Your Aura? will tell readers what color their aura is and what it reveals about their personality, emotions, talents and potential.

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Auric Field Clearing and Strengthening