Dark Night of the Soul & transformation

Below are the best resources we could find on Dark Night of the Soul and transformation.

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The Dark Night of the Soul (Losing Who We Thought We Were)

According to St. John of the Cross and Teresa of Ávila, humans have an inborn longing for completion. This completion cannot be achieved by worldly pleasures. So, instead, we must go within, to reach the inner core of our soul in which ‘the divine’ lies hidden.

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Scarred by Struggle, Transformed by Hope

Everyone goes through times of pain and sorrow, depression and darkness, stress and suffering. It is in the necessary struggles of life, however, that we stretch our souls and gain new insights enabling us to go on.

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A Lamp in the Darkness: Illuminating the Path Through Difficult Times

When the path ahead is dark, how can we keep from stumbling? How do we make our way with courage and dignity? “Inside each of us is an eternal light that I call ‘the One Who Knows,’ ” writes Jack Kornfield.

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FindCenterWe all carry within us places of exile, our crimes, our ravages. Our task is not to unleash them on the world; it is to transform them in ourselves and others.

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Your Night Journeys

In our dark times, a piece of ourselves comes to an end. We must find meaning in that darkness.

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The Dark Night of the Soul: Shamans Cave

In this show Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau talk about the initiatory journey we go on when we experience loss, trauma, and tragedy in our lives. We go into the darkness where the truth of who we really are is revealed as beings filled with love, light, and a deep love of light.

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Spiritual Crisis