Deciding to Have Children

Many of us grow up with the expectation that we’ll have children someday. But for some of us, making the decision to have children can be disapproved of—or at the very least surprising to—our family or community, whether our concerns are financial, philosophical, or spiritual. Whether we are making the decision with a partner or on our own, we sometimes want some guidance from those who more closely understand our concerns.

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Being Childfree By Choice: Five Women on Why They Decided Not to Have Kids

As part of the Guardian’s Childfree series, five women discuss why having children isn’t for them—and how others perceive them as a result. ‘There’s no wrong way to be a woman,’ says Sabrina, 25.

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Going Solo: My Choice to Become a Single Mother Using a Donor

Aged thirty-seven, single and having experienced two miscarriages, Genevieve Roberts found out that her fertility levels were dwindling. On hearing this news, she made the courageous decision to embark on motherhood solo and eventually became pregnant using a sperm donor.

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Is Parenting Scarier Than Ever?

In an uncertain world, young people are grappling with the question: to have children or not?

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FindCenterI don’t remember who said this, but there really are places in the heart you don’t even know exist until you love a child.

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Women Who Choose Not To Have A Child Must be Awarded – Sadhguru

Does every woman need to have a child? Watch this interesting video where Sadhguru addresses the needs of biology, society and the world as a whole.

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The Baby Decision: How to Make The Most Important Choice of Your Life

Baby or Childfree? Which will it Be? Is this decision keeping you up at night? Do you feel terrified you will regret your decision? Are you paralyzed by this high-stakes choice? Now you can get off the fence and get on with your life.

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Are You Financially Ready to Have Children?

Yes, children are expensive. Can you handle it? A financial planner with a new baby at home has some helpful suggestions and guidelines for all the potential parents out there who may be wondering if the time is right.

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”Should I Have Kids?” How to Make This Huge Decision Without Regrets

We live in a world that tells women they’ll regret not having kids, even though only WE can be the experts about our own lives. Marie has known the answer to “should I have a baby?” since she was a little girl, and it’s always been a clear NO.

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I Help People Decide if They Want to Have Kids. Here’s My Advice.

A parenthood clarity therapist explains how she helps fence sitters make one of the most important decisions of their lives.

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Is Having Kids Worth It? What I Wish I Had Known

Is having kids worth it? Do I regret having a child? I was unsure if I wanted kids, and this is how I feel about having a kid now - HONESTLY.

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