Divination Systems & numerology

Below are the best resources we could find on Divination Systems and numerology.

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Divination for Beginners: Reading the Past, Present & Future

Anyone can practice divination. You don't need to be psychic, or believe that a higher power controls the cards. Anyone can learn to predict the future using the methods described in this book.

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An Introduction to Numerology

Many of us have what we think of as “lucky numbers,” but is there anything more to this notion than fun and games? According to numerology, the answer is a resounding “yes.” In numerology, numbers represent more than just their mathematical values.

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Maintaining a Healthy Perspective with Numerology

At first glance, one wants to relegate numerology to simple fortune telling and associate it with the arts of prediction, including astrology, tarot, pendulums, and runes.

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Numerology Comes of Age

Numerology, the practice of assigning numeric values to dates as well as to the names of people, places, and objects, has been around for centuries. Throughout much of its history, it has figured in esoteric, occult, magical, and divinatory bodies of knowledge, accessible only to the initiated few.

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Numerology: Does Your Birth Date Decide Your Fate?

Every one of us is born with a personal ‘cosmic code’, as unique as our thumbprints, says numerologist Kaitlyn Kaerhart. Decipher it and you can discover your life’s purpose and even predict your future.

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