
Enlightenment refers to a state of deep knowledge or understanding, as if the truth behind all mystery has been revealed. It can have specific meanings in certain spiritual traditions, such as Buddhism or Hinduism, but it is generally understood to be the end stage or goal of personal spiritual development. Spiritual teacher Gangaji further describes enlightenment as an ongoing ebb and flow of “fulfillment, discoverable only by you. A state that is always evolving and reveals the truth of who you are.” Often described as inner peace and the ability to be fully present within the moment, enlightenment is a journey unique to each individual. Thích Nhất Hạnh notes, “Sit and become aware that you are there, alive. To be alive is already a miracle. And if you can touch that fact that you are alive, that is already enlightenment.”

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Gangaji: True Fulfillment

Gangaji, an American born teacher and author, travels the world speaking with spiritual seekers from all walks of life. Her message: True peace and lasting fulfillment are not only our birthright, they are the essential nature of our being.

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The Map of Consciousness Explained: A Proven Energy Scale to Actualize Your Ultimate Potential

We are all born with a level of consciousness, an energetic frequency within the vast field of consciousness. And with The Map of Consciousness, we can truly understand the total spectrum of human consciousness. Using a unique muscle-testing method, Dr. David R.

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Enlightenments, Not Enlightenment

Awakening is not the same for everyone—even spiritual masters manifest their wisdom differently and took various paths to get there.

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FindCenterAny patch of sunlight in a wood will show you something about the sun which you could never get from reading books on astronomy. These pure and spontaneous pleasures are ‘patches of Godlight’ in the woods of our experience.

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The Quickest Way to Enlightenment ~ Shinzen Young

During a So. Cal. retreat, Shinzen gave a dharma talk on May 21, 2013, explaining how strong determination sitting - using the strategies he presents - can be a very quick way to enlightenment.

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The Enlightenment Process: A Guide to Embodied Spiritual Awakening (Revised and Expanded)

The Enlightenment Process describes the process of enlightenment as the gradual realization of our most subtle dimension of unified, all-pervasive consciousness.

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Creating Your Own Enlightenment

Enlightenment . . . consists of waking up to new possibilities, including the possibility of an “I” that isn’t defined by your story.

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FindCenterThe value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity.

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On the Path to Enlightenment: Heart Advice from the Great Tibetan Masters

Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche inspired Matthieu Ricard to create this anthology by telling him that “when we come to appreciate the depth of the view of the eight great traditions [of Tibetan Buddhism] and also see that they all lead to the same goal without contradicting each other, we think, ‘Only...

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Transcending the Levels of Consciousness: The Stairway to Enlightenment

The now widely known Map of calibrated levels of Consciousness was presented in Power vs. Force in 1995 and has been translated into all the world’s major languages. This was followed by The Eye of the I (2001), I: Reality and Subjectivity (2003), and Truth vs.

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Spiritual Awakening