
Hospice care focuses on reducing pain and suffering at the end of life, offering support and compassion to terminally ill patients and their loved ones. A hospice care team addresses social, psychological, and spiritual needs, in addition to the physical. As an alternative to prioritizing the extension of life at all costs, hospice allows healthcare professionals and volunteers to aid in a more peaceful transition toward death.

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Poetry & the End of Life—Frank Ostaseski, Pioneering Hospice Founder and End of Life Educator

“Poetry and the End of Life” event on December 5, 2013. The end of a life is not solitary: it is our shared fate, a through-passing universally experienced, witnessed, and attended.

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The Conversation: A Revolutionary Plan for End-of-Life Care

There is an unspoken dark side of American medicine—keeping patients alive at any price. Two-thirds of Americans die in healthcare institutions, tethered to machines and tubes at bankrupting costs, even though research shows that most prefer to die at home in comfort, surrounded by loved ones. Dr.

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Living with the Dying

Frank Ostaseski is a tall, slim man with blue eyes that radiate calm. As director of the San Francisco Zen Center’s Hospice Program, he counsels the dying and their families, and teaches others to care for people with terminal illness.

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End Game

Filmed and edited in intimate vérité style, this movie follows visionary medical practitioners who are working on the cutting edge of life and death and are dedicated to changing our thinking about both.

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Departing with Dignity: A Hospice Guide to Symptom Management for Patients, Families and Caregivers

Facing the prospect of losing a loved one is agonizing. Feeling that you are facing this situation alone and not knowing what to expect can be terrifying. Hospice is here to help, not just your loved one, but you and all who will be assisting in their care.

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Why Hospice Care Could Benefit Your Loved One Sooner Than You Think

It seems that misinformation about the [hospice] benefit coupled with our general discomfort talking about end of life prevents Medicare beneficiaries and their family from taking advantage of the valuable benefit.

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Being with Dying: Cultivating Compassion and Fearlessness in the Presence of Death

The Buddhist approach to death can be of great benefit to people of all backgrounds—as has been demonstrated by Joan Halifax’s decades of work with the dying and their caregivers.

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Living at the End of Life: A Hospice Nurse Addresses the Most Common Questions

This warm and informative resource on hospice and other end-of-life care options now gets an update.

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The Five Invitations: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us About Living Fully

The cofounder of the Zen Hospice Project and pioneer behind the compassionate care movement shares an inspiring exploration of the lessons dying has to offer about living a fulfilling life. Death is not waiting for us at the end of a long road.

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A Companion for the Hospice Journey: Thoughts on Life’s Tough Decisions

Any discussion about hospice includes the words most prefer to avoid or ignore: dying, death, and grief. In A Companion for the Hospice Journey, readers are invited into that uncomfortable subject. Nearly half of the deaths in the United States (in 2017, over 2.

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Death and Dying