Medical Intuition

Medical intuition is a term used to describe the ability to psychically sense or intuitively see the energetic frequency information of the human body. Scanning the body in this way allows a trained medical practitioner to sense the source of an illness or imbalance in someone without physically investigation. This can be useful to find illness that is otherwise hard to detect by more traditional science-based methods.

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Dr. Norm Shealy Talks About Medical Intuition

Building on the significant history of the use of medical intuition by leaders in the field, Dr. Norman Shealy provides us with a path to using our innate intuition to develop optimal personal power and health. His latest book, discussed in this interview, is a primer to medical intuition.

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The Science of Medical Intuition

Almost 20 years ago, a Harvard-trained neurosurgeon and researcher named Norman Shealy was introduced to a young woman named Caroline Myss with a special gift: she could see illness in other people with only her intuition to guide her. After extensive testing, Dr.

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Understanding the 5 Main Styles of Medical Intuition

Can the body really talk? Many healers and medical intuitive practitioners experience this to be true. More so, they can hear, sense, see and dialogue with this unique companion that we call the body.

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What Is Medical Intuition?

Rev. Tiffany Barsotti of HEAL and THRIVE answers what is medical intuition. How do medical intuitives work, and what methods are used?? Do you need a medical intuitive? Do Medical Intuitives do healing or just tell you what they see going on with you? What do doctors think of Medical Intuitives?

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Develop Your Medical Intuition: Activate Your Natural Wisdom for Optimum Health and Well-Being

The wise inner voice of our spirit is always communicating with us through our intuition...if only we can learn to listen.

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We All Have Medical Intuition—Now Here’s How to Use It

When medical intuitive Katie Beecher told us we’re all medical intuitives, we said: Say what? It’s one thing to have faith in psychics and mediums—and for many, that’s already a leap.

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Medical Intuitive —3 Tips to Accelerate Your Intuition

Medical Intuitive David MacKenzie describes in 3 powerful tips how to accelerate your Intuitive capacity. Empower your Intuition to navigate your life with more power, creativity and vitality.

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Awakening Intuition: Using Your Mind-Body Network for Insight and Healing

In this groundbreaking, major work on intuition, well-being, and brain science, Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz reveals innovative, fresh, and exciting ways to tap into intuitions that have the power to improve your health and save your life.

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Sacred Power: Medical Intuition and Why People Don’t Heal

Humans are blessed with an innate potential, or “sacred power,” the highest aspect of our being and living. However, many of us don’t access this power and instead, live below our potential, spiritually, health-wise and in many other ways.

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All Is Well: Heal Your Body with Medicine, Affirmations, and Intuition

In this healing tour de force, best-selling authors Louise L. Hay and Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz have teamed up for an exciting reexamination of the quintessential teachings from Heal Your Body.

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