Mindfulness Meditation by chan khong

Below are the best resources we could find on Mindfulness Meditation featuring chan khong.

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Coronaspection - Interview with Chân Không

Ven. Chân Không is closest disciple and collaborator of Vietnamese Zen teacher Thich Nhat Hanh. Corona helps us awaken past our selfishness. Corona allows us to think of the other and to discover our interconnectedness and unity. It invites us to discovering a way of living together peacefully.

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Deep Relaxation: Coming Home to Your Body

For nearly 30 years Sister Chan Khong’s Deep Relaxation practice has been a highlight for thousands of people who have attended Order of Interbeing Buddhist retreats.

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Deep Relaxation

Soften the shoulders, rest the eyes, feel the breath — Sister Chan Khong on how to release the stress in our bodies.

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