Motivation by arianna huffington

Below are the best resources we could find on Motivation featuring arianna huffington.

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Arianna Huffington | Thrive | Talks at Google

In April 2007, after years of around-the-clock work to launch and build The Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington collapsed from exhaustion and lack of sleep, injuring her eye and breaking her cheekbone.

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Mindfulness & Leadership | Arianna Huffington, Karen May

In this interview, Vice President of People at Google Karen May will explore with Arianna her learnings in this area, and the role of mindfulness in supporting a new generation of leadership in society.

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‘Scream at Me’: What Arianna Huffington Tells All Her New Hires

“The one non-negotiable is to create a culture of what we call ‘compassionate directness’, where people are empowered to express concerns, dissatisfactions, good ideas they have—and to do it in a compassionate way,”

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Goal Setting