Physical Health by brynn putnam

Below are the best resources we could find on Physical Health featuring brynn putnam.

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Brynn Jinnett—Founder “The Refine Method”

The Refine Method features a seamless circuit-style technique called Metabolic Resistance Training.

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Working Out in the ‘Mirror,’ an Interactive Home Gym

What started as a prototype not much bigger than a laptop is now a nearly invisible interactive home gym.

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Sit Down with Mirror Founder Brynn Putnam

In 2016, I was newly pregnant and found myself, a gym owner, with no time to work out. I tried working out at home but felt like I was sacrificing quality for convenience.

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Mirror CEO Brynn Putnam on the Move Beyond Fitness

Mirror CEO Brynn Putnam joins “Squawk Alley” to discuss the growth of the company’s at-home fitness screen as well as expanding the product beyond just fitness.

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Mirror Founder Brynn Putnam on the Importance of Fitness During Tough Times

She created her high-tech fitness mirror to improve home workouts (and more). In the midst of the pandemic, it’s more relevant than ever. Here’s her story.

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A Closer Look at Mirror

Mirror is a smart gadget that offers virtual fitness classes. We caught up with the founder Brynn Putnam at the NYC HQ to learn more.

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Emotional and Mental Health