
“Superfood” is a term coined to describe foods with an exceptional nutrient density, which is thought to optimize health and well-being. These foods are found all over the world, and many have been long recognized by the local people that originally cultivated them as important features of their traditional diets.

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5 Gundry-Approved Vegetarian Superfoods

It is with these 5 Gundry-approved vegetarian superfoods, All are wonderful for your digestive health, great sources of healthy protein, and completely meat free – perfect for a plant based diet without lectins.

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Grow a New Body: How Spirit and Power Plant Nutrients Can Transform Your Health

This fragmented approach to health is merely a stopgap. To truly heal, we need to return to the original recipe for wellness discovered by shamans millennia ago.

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Top 7 Superfoods

What food writer Scott DeSimon learned from three months with Frank Lipman, author of The New Health Rules, is that healthy eating isn’t about deprivation: It’s about adding foods and, yes, supplements to boost nutrition and energy.

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FindCenterNo disease that can be treated by diet should be treated with any other means.

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Uncovered Superfoods

Dr. Robert Kizer, CHI Health Clinic Gastroenterologist, uncovers superfoods.

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The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth, Revised Edition: The Surprising, Unbiased Truth about What You Should Eat and Why

In this newly updated nutrition reference guide, acclaimed nutritionist and bestselling author Jonny Bowden debunks traditional food myths, saves the reputations of foods long suffering from bad publicity, and provides just the facts—so you can make good, health-conscious decisions about which foods...

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Superfoods: Dr. Frank Lipman Weighs In

Superfoods are those naturally perfect foods which support the health, growth, and maintenance of your body, just by loading up your plate. Stock up on these 9 Superfoods (preferably organic) to give your body the gift of great taste, stronger immunity and better energy—all without a pill in sight.

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What People Get Wrong About Superfoods

There's a lot of buzz around superfoods but are they really all that super? Dr. Nina Shapiro, author of "Hype: A Doctor's Guide to Medical Myths, Exaggerated Claims, and Bad Advice" weighs in on the superfoods debate.

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10 Best Superfoods for Women

Food is an important part of pleasure. And getting — and staying — healthy can often be as simple as optimizing what we eat. But how do you know what to pick in a sea of endless grocery stores choices?

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What Is a Superfood? | Superfoods Guide

I often get asked what is a superfood. It's a buzz word in the nutrition field today. A superfood is basically low in calories and high in nutrients. They are really accessible and today we are gonna be talking about a variety of superfoods that you can find in your supermarket.

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Healthy Eating