
Withholding, commonly called “giving the silent treatment,” is a type of passive-aggressive behavior and a form of emotional abuse. Withholding is distinct from “needing some space” and taking a break from a conversation or conflict, which is a healthy coping strategy with the goal of reaching a point where healthy communication and resolution can take place. Withholding describes situations in which one person in a relationship holds back their communication, their authenticity, and their love and affection as a way of being in control of the relationship or punishing their partner, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

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Identifying the Tactics an Emotional Abuser Uses to Control You and the Relationship

This video addresses some of the very specific tactics used to control you and to control the dynamics in a toxic, emotionally abusive relationship. It examines Withholding and Countering.

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Are You Withholding Love?

There are two very common ways that people keep love at bay. They can either not ever let love in so that the walls around their hearts remain impenetrable, or they can withhold the love they do feel inside so that their partners cannot get access to it.

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The Withholding Personality; How to Cope

People withhold to punish and maintain control in a relationship. What can you do to cope with this behavior? This video will help you flip the script on the withholder in your life. Clarity has arrived.

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FindCenterSpiteful words can hurt your feelings but silence breaks your heart.

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How Withholding Can Lead to Divorce

Withholding, what is it? Well it is a defined as an emotionally abusive behavior or tactic, a form of denying, refusing to communicate or do something for your partner as a punishment.

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What Couples Should Know About the Silent Treatment

If you're like most people, you've probably heard the old adage, "silence is golden." But when it comes to marriage, is that really the case? Most psychologists indicate that it depends on the situation.

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How to Stop Emotionally Withholding from Your Partner

Being in a relationship that is devoid of emotional support is difficult. The person who doesn’t receive what they need often feels isolated, rejected, and unloved. It’s easy to pinpoint the problem when you are the victim, but what if you are the withholder?

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FindCenterWe can influence the other person through our words and silence, but we can never control the outcome.

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The Real Problem with Sexual Withholding in a Marriage

The problem with sexual withholding in a marriage has far less to do with actually having or not having sex and much more to do with misunderstanding.

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“Withholders” vs. “Conceders”: A Damaging Conflict Pattern

Relationship dances between these two types can become very complicated.

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Relationship Challenges