By Anita Gates — 2018
He (Harvey) also saw a “deep parallel between desert and cyberspace.” - Anita Gates
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It’s far from news that there is a lack of space and resources allocated for Black women to heal.
Stephanie's passions include keeping the ancient traditions alive and updating them so that they evolve with us, suiting our current environment and lifestyles.
We can’t think of many more pressure-filled moments in sports than being an Olympic athlete on the starting line. To be ready to perform at the highest level, and deal with the inevitable nerves, each athlete has to find his perfect pre-competition routine.
With stress levels high during the pandemic, every day can feel like overtime. Here’s how to take back control.
I must confess that I am an African-American woman, a Christian woman, a woman who believes there is more than one path to God.
We live in water in our mother’s womb,’ Hopi grandmother Mona Polacca explains. ‘Moments before we come into this world, the water of our mother’s womb gushes out, and we follow behind. That is why the Hopi call water our first foundation of life.’
I wonder how the world would be, how we would live, how children would learn if we intentionally cultivated the spirit of being kind each day. In a world filled with fear and cruelty, we are itching for an outbreak of this characteristic.
On the first page of your autobiography you write, “My elders are convinced that the West is as endangered as the indigenous cultures it has decimated.” They sent you from your village into the “white wilderness” in part to help save us. In what way is the West endangered?
There is no end to realization, kinds and types of awakening, or enlightenment and completeness.
Saying you’re too agitated to meditate or pray is like saying you’re too sick to see a doctor or too tired to take a nap.