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Preparing for Love

By FindCenter




Discover what’s blocking you from making connections at the heart.

Love. It’s a feeling as old as time—one that has inspired countless books and ballads, plays and movies and songs (whole albums, too!)—and yet, for many, it is as hard to come by as ever: Perhaps you have trouble letting yourself be loved. Perhaps you withhold your love from others. Perhaps even, or most of all, you’re unsure how to love yourself. Rest assured: finding and embracing love is not a lost cause. Love in its essence is about opening and connecting at the heart. Explore what sages, mystics, philosophers, psychologists, poets, and artists of all kinds have to offer about this universal animating force.

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Just One Thing: See Behind the Mask

Do you have the courage to look behind the eyes of another person?

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Gangaji: Let the Whole World Break Your Heart

It's usual that people seek to avoid a broken heart, and live in broken-heartedness. When you allow the heart to be broken over and over, there is living in love. Let the whole world break your heart.

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Why Self Love Matters: We Accept the Love We Think We Deserve

Everyone deserves to experience the richness of love unmarred by disappointment, unmet expectations, and judgment. This type of love is best found in yourself first before seeking it out from others.

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Signs You’re Afraid of Intimacy

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Are You Withholding Love?

There are two very common ways that people keep love at bay. They can either not ever let love in so that the walls around their hearts remain impenetrable, or they can withhold the love they do feel inside so that their partners cannot get access to it.

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Fear of Intimacy and 5 Ways to Overcome It

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Shauna Shapiro: Meditation and Intimacy

Enlightenment is intimacy with all things says Suzuki Roshi. Mindfulness is key to intimacy. This moment-to-moment way of being can deepen and expand intimacy, intro-, inter- and transpersonally.

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Why Can’t I Let Love In?

In the early months of every intimate relationship, the new partners of people-who-can’t-take-love-in feel they have scored a great person, someone who gives easily but doesn’t seem to require much in return.

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You Don’t Have to Be Special to Be Lovable

So many of us believe we have to be special to lovable and worthy. But what if you deserved just as much love regardless of how good you are at anything?

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6 Ways to Open Your Heart and Love Again

If you’re looking to leave the past behind and give love another try, these tips can help.

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Open to Receive Love and Abundance Meditation

You can communicate with your deeper self to experience love and great abundance by letting go of fears of new things coming in your life. This is not a hypnosis meditation that "re-programs" your mind, but an advanced form of visualization to open up your higher mind to oneness and non-duality.

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