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Ep 23 Time Management for Creatives

Kick in the Creatives Podcast

One of the common things we hear that creatives struggle with is finding the time to create something, whether it’s finding time to write each day, or time to draw or paint. See more...

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#30 Margaret Heffernan: Collaboration and Competition

I’m joined by speaker, international executive and five-time author Margaret Heffernan.

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#28 Michael Mauboussin: A Decision Making Jedi

Michael Mauboussin returns for a fascinating encore interview on the Knowledge Project. We geek out on decision making, luck vs. skill, work life balance, and so much more.

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#26 Warren Berger: Improving The Questions You Ask

The quality of your outcome depends on the quality of your questions.

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#15 Samuel Arbesman: Future-Proof Your Knowledge

Samuel Arbesman is a complexity scientist focusing on the changing nature of science and technology.

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Creative Well-Being