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World Cup Online Betting Is the Highest It’s Ever Been

By Raian Ali, Emily Arden-Close, John McAlaney, Keith Phalp — 2018

Sports betting is worth up to £625 billion per year, with 70% of that trade reckoned to come from football. During big sporting competitions, such as the World Cup, even more money is spent gambling than usual.

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Online Gambling, Gaming Addiction Has Increased During COVID-19: Tips That Can Help

If you’ve recently experienced serious withdrawal when not playing video games or gambling online, you could be living in lockdown with a serious addiction. While addiction is most commonly associated with substances like alcohol, certain human behaviors can be addictive, too.

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Does My Kid Have a Tech Addiction?

While addiction may make one think of hard drugs or alcohol, activities like video games, social media apps, and sites like YouTube can also become unhealthy addictions.

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This Is Your Brain On . . .

New science tells us how to better manage our addictions.

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How Yoga and Exercise Help with Addiction Recovery

Certain types of yoga can produce a natural “high” that can help those recovering from addiction. For Troy Jackson, yoga proved to be such a powerful recovery tool that he’s now a yoga teacher.

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Why People Keep Scrolling When They Say They Are Done with Facebook

Why is it so hard to keep off the app if you have decided you are done with Facebook? Because the platform taps into our societal needs and biological drives to keep us coming back for more, experts say.

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Constant Craving: How Digital Media Turned Us All into Dopamine Addicts

According to addiction expert Dr Anna Lembke, our smartphones are making us dopamine junkies, with each swipe, like and tweet feeding our habit. So how do we beat our digital dependency?

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In ‘Dopamine Nation,’ Overabundance Keeps Us Craving More

Dr. Anne Lembke’s new book, Dopamine Nation, explores the interconnection of pleasure and pain in the brain and helps explain addictive behaviors—not just to drugs and alcohol, but also to food, sex and smart phones.

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Q&A: Anna Lembke on Smartphone Technology Addiction

Stanford psychiatrist Anna Lembke M.D. sat down with The Daily to discuss her clinical work and how it relates to the increasing prevalence of technology addiction.

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The Secret Power of Pain: Here’s How to Make Friends with It, Says Psychiatrist Anna Lembke

We sat down with Dr. Lembke to talk to her about why the things we turn to to feel better may actually be doing more harm than good, and what we can do instead.

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We Are Broken Together

“Even where I live in St. Paul, known nationally for being the ‘crossroads of recovery,’” William said, “the stigma prevents people from thinking about alcoholics and other drug addicts as ‘good people with a bad illness.’”

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Gambling Addiction