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Hallucinations or Spiritual Experiences?

By Ida Kvittingen — 2016

When is a visit by your deceased uncle a spiritual experience, and when it is a mental illness? It’s not always obvious, one psychiatrist says.

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An Interview with Stephanie Rose Bird

Stephanie's passions include keeping the ancient traditions alive and updating them so that they evolve with us, suiting our current environment and lifestyles.

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Ancient People May Have Created Cave Art While Hallucinating

Stone age people may have deliberately ventured into oxygen-depleted caves to paint while having out-of-body experiences and hallucinations, according to a new study.

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Beyond Death: The Science of the Afterlife

This question is more than a mind-bender. For thousands of years, certain people have claimed to have actually visited the place that, Saint Paul promised, “no eye has seen … and no human mind has conceived,” and their stories very often follow the same narrative arc.

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Confessing Jesus' Name Means Confessing Revolutionary Love

I must confess that I am an African-American woman, a Christian woman, a woman who believes there is more than one path to God.

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Hallucinatory Experience & Religion Formation

Shawn Harte considers how hallucination might be mistaken for the supernatural.

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Near-Death Experiences and DMT

A neurological explanation of NDEs remains elusive.

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Does DMT Model the Near-Death Experience?

Despite parallels, there are profound differences between DMT and NDEs.

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DMT, Aliens, and Reality—Part 1

Psychedelic drug phenomena do not justify radical new views of reality.

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The Spiritual Practice of Kindness

I wonder how the world would be, how we would live, how children would learn if we intentionally cultivated the spirit of being kind each day. In a world filled with fear and cruelty, we are itching for an outbreak of this characteristic.

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Scientists Want to Know More About DMT Entities People Encounter

Now, researchers are attempting to catalog these experiences to figure out just what, or who, those DMT entities are.

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Visions and Hallucinations