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Seth, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness

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By Jane Roberts — 1998

Seth, Dreams and Projections and Consciousness discusses the true nature of physical reality and provides essential information for everyone who is interested in dreams and out-of-body experiences. See more...

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The Rewired Life: Creating a Better Life through Self-Care and Emotional Awareness

Our brains never stop growing, learning and adapting. Every day, we have the opportunity to form new neural pathways based on what we learn and the decisions we make, overwriting the old patterns and self-narratives that have held us back from leading a fulfilling and authentic life.

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The Presence Process: A Journey Into Present Moment Awareness (Second Edition)

Why is it so difficult to respond consciously when we are upset? Why do we instead resort to hurtful, repetitive, unconscious, reactive behaviors? The reason is that we all have deeply suppressed emotional imprints that are programmed into us through experience and other’s example.

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