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Finding Our Vocation

By FindCenter




Here's help toward finding work and purpose that align with who you are.

None of us need find a singular reason for being here on Earth in human form. We have value simply in being. But many of us do feel a drive to align our core selves and values with the way we live our lives. We welcome you to dive into the resources that follow to find support and perspectives on finding a calling and following it through.

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Inspiring Interviews | Wondering What You’re Being Called to Do and Be Right Now?

Watch this epic interview with my soul sister Rha Goddess. Someone on my Instagram called this the best video they’ve ever listened to. I go even deeper with Rha in my Miracle Membership next month. Join now to get access to next month, plus the full library of past months’ content.

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Martha Beck on Finding Your Life’s Purpose

Do you have a deep knowing that you are meant for something bigger in this world—a sense of a bigger purpose—but feel held back by the fear that you may be a fraud? Find out how Martha helps Becquel “soften” her critical voices long enough so she can start to receive love and move forward on her...

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Happiness Isn’t a Feeling—It’s a Skill that Can Be Learned

For most of my life, I clung to the belief that I wasn’t happy because I “just wasn’t wired that way.”

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How to Know When You’ve Found Your Purpose in Life | Super Soul Sunday | Oprah Winfrey Network

Author Caroline Myss says each of us has a sacred contract‰: a set of assignments our soul was meant to complete. Here, she shares a list of telltale signs that you are fulfilling your divine potential in life.

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The Law of Dharma or Purpose in Life

Everyone has a purpose in life . . . a unique gift or special talent to give to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal.

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Parker Palmer Is Living the Questions

“If on the day I die I can say, ‘To the best of my ability—cutting myself some slack for my human flaws and fallibilities—I was faithful to my gifts, to the world’s needs as I saw them,’ then I can take my final breath with a feeling of satisfaction that I showed up on earth with what I had...

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