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Liberation & Radical Acceptance

On Demand

We often think of acceptance as agreeing with what’s happening or simply going along with something. We may associate acceptance with a sense of resignation or “accepting our fate.” But true acceptance is actually a spiritual quality that allows us to be exactly where we are; we can face whatever arises without either grasping or rejecting, allowing us to be truly free.

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A. H. Almaas and Karen Johnson: Life as a Spiritual Path

Founders of the Diamond Approach Hameed Ali (A. H. Almaas) and Karen Johnson explore key principles of the Diamond Approach and how daily life can be used as its own spiritual practice.

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Diamond Heart Book Five: Inexhaustible Mystery

The final volume in A. H. Almaas’ masterwork on the contemporary spiritual path known as the Diamond Approach. From one perspective, we can see ourselves merely as human beings struggling in a crowded and chaotic world of suffering.

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Quantum View of Realization

A. H. Almaas challenges the prevailing non-dualistic view of realization when it considers dualistic experience as due to the individual’s delusion of separateness.

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Developing a Conscience: Knowing the Difference Between Right and Wrong

There are various developmental theories that go into the tool kit that parents and educators utilize to help mold caring and ethically intact people, including those of Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget and American psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg.

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How to Raise a Kid with a Conscience in the Digital Age

Nudge kids to be their best selves by encouraging them to consume positive, inspiring media and online content.

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Acceptance Is the Answer to Every Problem We Have

The power wrapped within acceptance “as the answer” is an available shortcut to a life peacefully lived when practiced by anyone, anywhere. All people and all situations that trouble anyone can disappear in the blink of an eye when “accepted as perfect” the way they are.

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On Disability and Accepting Help

I couldn’t keep “proving everyone wrong” and still do all the things I wanted to do with my life.

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#HowYouSeeMe - How to Talk about Disability with Four Successful Women.

Eone has hosted virtual panel with Becca Meyers, Catherine Elliott, Lizzi Smith and Mallory Weggemann! Hear what these four amazing individuals have to say about embracing their differences and how they tackle the World.

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Happy International Day of People with Disability 2021 - See Me

Hi, I'm Hande Akbulut, and I'm from a Turkish ethnic, and I love cricket. I want people to see me, as me, not for my disability, not for anything else, just me and only me.

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Access Denied: Will Art Ever Learn to Embrace Disability?

This is not about meeting criteria and ticking boxes, it’s about finally creating the generous, plural and radical art world that many of us want and need.

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