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Valarie Kaur on “The Shadow Generation”

By Valarie Kaur — 2010

Clips of Valarie Kaur speaking at Auburn Theological Seminary panel discussion “How Women Will Change the World in the 21st Century.”

10:01 min


Activism as a way to heal | Tasha Brade | TEDxLondon

Tasha Brade is a the youngest member of the Justice4Grenfell campaign. She reveals how she suffered from PTSD in the weeks after she witnesses the fire at Grenfell Tower and that joining this campaigner was her way to heal.

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The Magic in Empowering Black Girls | Taria Pritchett | TEDxWilmingtonLive

It’s odd to think that, in our progressive society, black girls are still seen as needing less support and protection than their white female counterparts in today’s world.

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Why Christianity Is Perceived as the White Man’s Religion - Olivia Pierce - TEDxEdina

Unconscious bias and lack of racial diversity in visual representation causes damage in schools, communities, workplaces and places of worship across the globe. It creates a divide between those who see themselves as empowered, and those who don’t.

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Showing Up for Conversations About Social Justice

It takes courage to reflect on your own privilege, but when teachers commit to vulnerability during class discussions, it builds respect and trust.

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Female Empowerment