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Patience - Who Has Time for That? | Qaas Shoukat | TEDxNSU


In the fast-paced, technology-saturated world we live in today, many resources and services are readily available through the internet. What may have taken a long time in the past is now achieved in mere moments. We have grown accustomed to getting what we want, when we want it. See more...

12:17 min

FindCenter Quotes Image'Knock and it shall be opened.’ But does knocking mean hammering and kicking the door like a maniac?

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How to Train Yourself to Be More Patient

Patience: Some people are born with a knack for it, but experts say the rest of us can learn how to do better.

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Personal Growth Takes Time. Here Are 2 Ways to Be Patient With Yourself

Being in a rush to see results can be your downfall. Here's how to stay the course.

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9 Lifestyle Changes that Happen After You Start Meditating

Once you begin meditating daily, life as you knew it will begin to take on some interesting twists and turns.

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Patience Is a Superpower

In low seasons, while you sit in the waiting room of life, patience is a superpower. But by adopting these seven mindsets, you can run circles around life’s challenges.

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Patience Is a Dirty Word

“We do not want our freedom gradually,” John Lewis said, “but we want to be free now!”

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Patience Is a Skill

Someone once said that anger is like drinking poison and hoping your enemy will die. Impatience is similarly ridiculous.

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How to Learn Patience to Get Your Thoughts and Feelings Under Control

Do you remember being told as you were growing up that patience is a virtue? Over the years, I have also learned that patience is a necessity.

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The Perfection of Patience

The perfection of patience is kshanti paramita in Sanskrit. Kshanti can be translated as “patience,” “forbearance,” or “tolerance,” but these words don’t capture the fullness of what kshanti connotes because they all imply a kind of quietism or passivity.

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Patience Is a Tool

Patience is more of a tool than a virtue. Too much of it and you let the world trample what's good in you; you become a doormat. Too little, and you trample what’s good in your world; you become a terror.

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