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Tibetan Lamas Chant Prayer with Nestor Kornblum Overtone Singing


Nestor Kornblum and Michele Averard sing Overtones and vocals with 3 Tibetan Lamas from the Gaden Shartse Monastery. Filmed in their Dome Centre in Spain, where they hosted the 8th World Tour for Inner Peace. The monks are chanting a prayer for Inner Peace and Compassion for all Sentient Beings.

05:49 min

Natural Wakefulness: Discovering the Wisdom We Were Born With

There are two essential elements to the spiritual path says this popular teacher from the lineage of Chögyam Trungpa: understanding that you’re already enlightened, already perfect in wisdom right here and now, and accessing that natural wakefulness through spiritual practice.

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A History of Buddha-Nature Theory: The Literature and Traditions

Buddha-Nature theory, the idea that all beings possess in some way the potential for enlightenment, is found in all Mahāyāna Buddhist traditions.

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Faces of Compassion: Classic Bodhisattva Archetypes and Their Modern Expression―An Introduction to Mahayana Buddhism

Faces of Compassion introduces us to enlightened beings, the bodhisattvas of Buddhist lore. They’re not otherworldly gods with superhuman qualities, but shining examples of our own highest potential.

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Buddha Is as Buddha Does: The Ten Original Practices for Enlightened Living

In the book you now hold, national bestselling author Lama Surya Das offers a thorough map to the richest treasure a human being can find—the Buddha’s advice for living to your true potential.

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Our Human Potential: The Unassailable Path of Love, Compassion, and Meditation

When His Holiness the Dalai Lama gave a series of lectures at Harvard University, they fulfilled magnificently his intention of providing an in-depth introduction to Buddhist theory and practice.

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Awakening Through Love: Unveiling Your Deepest Goodness

Mother Teresa. The Dalai Lama. Nelson Mandela. Gandhi. Some admire such figures from afar and think, "How special they are; I could never be like that." But, as John Makransky has learned, the power of real and enduring love lies within every one of us.

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The Heart of the Buddha: Entering the Tibetan Buddhist Path

In The Heart of the Buddha, Chögyam Trungpa examines the basic teachings of Buddhism and places them within the context of daily life.

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Training the Mind and Cultivating Loving-Kindness

The fifty-nine provocative slogans presented here—each with a commentary by the Tibetan meditation master Chögyam Trungpa—have been used by Tibetan Buddhists for eight centuries to help meditation students remember and focus on important principles and practices of mind training.

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Approaching the Buddhist Path

The first volume in a multivolume collection presenting the Dalai Lama’s comprehensive explanation of the Buddhist path—now in paperback! His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been publicly teaching Buddhism for decades.

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On the Path to Enlightenment: Heart Advice from the Great Tibetan Masters

Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche inspired Matthieu Ricard to create this anthology by telling him that “when we come to appreciate the depth of the view of the eight great traditions [of Tibetan Buddhism] and also see that they all lead to the same goal without contradicting each other, we think, ‘Only...

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Overtone Chanting